I have a couple of important words and phrases for the year.
First- sunshine. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
The sun is warm, it is light, and happy. It's literally the bright side. I want to be as the sun. Warm, exuberant, me.
Next, live simply. We are moving. It's not fun to move but it's even less fun when you have four kids, and are a recovering hoarder. (Seriously someone save me). I want to pare down to the basics. I could never be a true minimalist but I want to try.
Goal #2- get fit and be healthy. That one is pretty self explanatory.
#3- complete a w30.
#4- live simply. Don't fill our lives with stuff
#5- pay off debt and don't use credit
#6- make florida our home.
#7- learn something new. A skill, craft or hobby.
#8-read at least one book a month by a person of color.
#9- use the library. It's such a great resource that's available. I need to use it.
#10- be present.
#11- run (another) half marathon
#12- be authentic. Fake is boring.
#13- no new clothes. Gasp. This one will be hard but seriously I have a lot. Lol
#14- just the basics at sephora. No makeup/month. No allowance. Just what I absolutely need to survive.
So there you have it. My goals for 205. Do you have any? Want to share?